+213 20 42 92 00
VERITAL is increasingly asked to contribute to debates on “security” and “analysis of potential problems”. I see this as a sign of change in the view of those responsible for this company and the beginning of recognition of the efforts made and the responsibilities courageously assumed in these areas.
VERITAL, is not quite like the others, its public service missions, its culture of risk management and the international standardization of its professions are a reality that no one should ignore in the well-understood interest of the security and comfort of citizens and the monitoring of our country's conventional commitments at the international level.
The responsibilities, the diversity of its relationships and services with and on behalf of public authorities are part of its specificities.
VERITAL, has resolutely committed itself to the path of development, undoubtedly at the right time and certainly to the satisfaction of the citizen that it serves without them knowing it and of the public authorities that it represents and assists in the operational plan to ensure their legal and regulatory and even constitutional responsibilities, since the State is responsible to its citizens.
I am convinced that, with this new outlook on it, VERITAL will be able to meet the challenge, ambitious of course but realistic, of being the public company of reference in Algeria in the field of security supervision both in terms of technical expertise as well as advice and analysis of potential problems.
It will continue to develop its capacity to promote, by bringing them together, safety and environmental protection in the specific activities of aeronautics, maritime transport, guided transport and industry.
It is in fact for VERITAL, modest in size but strategic in its missions and responsibilities and awareness of its role as a corporate citizen, a major challenge because its ability to carry out its growth policy through partnership over the long term depends on it. and strengthen its role as the exclusive representative of the public authorities by gaining their trust and ensuring compliance with their conventional commitments at the international level.
Somme toute, VERITAL apporte sa contribution précieuse à la sécurité des personnes et des biens
VERITAL is an EPE/SPA (Joint Stock Company) under Algerian law, professionally managed and created in 1989.
our activities consists, in Algeria and abroad, of transport control , industry and conformity and quality control of international commercial products.
our major responsibilty is to ensure the promotion of safety for people and goods in the transport and quality sectors.
Thanks to our highly qualified team (engineers, experts, etc.) with long and rich experience in different activities. VERITAL has the means and capabilities necessary to sustainably satisfy the requirements of its customers through organized and permanent assistance and oversight.
The unique combination of a national network and a strong local presence, strong responsiveness and quality of services.
Based on more than 30 years of experience in the field of technical inspection.
- Solid technical expertise.
- A customer-centric entrepreneurial culture.
– An exhaustive accreditations portfolio.
– Knowledge of different sectors of activity
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